We get calls and inquiries from customers almost on a daily basis. Many of them are looking for an affordable website design. Others are just looking for logo design – and some just for website hosting. The reasons are many that people are looking to have a more stable design business work for them. Whether…
Author: info@superstoreincs.com
Tom, the owner of Exterior Arts, LLC, contacted us a few weeks ago looking for help with his website. He was wanting to have a facelift for his site amongst some changes that needed to be done. The original site was a “static HTML” site so it was difficult to make changes and updates. We…
Recently, Super Store INC has started to see an increase in the number of mail delivery failure notifications from contact forms on customer websites. Why? The larger e-mail providers – such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail (Outlook) have started to use some of the spam frameworks that are many years old. One such policy is…
Tim called us in mid-January asking about our website services. He was looking for a basic website to get his business name out. He runs NW Cyber Security & Lock and is a dealer for some specialty locks for residential and commercial clients. After the phone call, he was ready to get started on the…
A customer contacted us back in March in order to do some updates to his site. Originally, his site was on iPage but he was having major problems with iPage as a web hosting provider. Therefore, one of his notes indicated that while the changes would be made, he would be looking for another web…